1/16/2021 Game Night

Welcome to another weekend game night. This week we featured a new game and got into something exciting that will be coming to you soon!

New game: Rival Restaurants!

This was a brand new Kickstarter game that came in and an instant favorite. I admit, I didn’t expect to like it as much as I did. A lot of your success rides on bartering as you balance collecting ingredients and dumping trash during each round.

In short, you receive at random a Cafe tile (dictates some bonuses at various levels and cuisine type bonuses), a chef (who has some bonuses), and two recipes. You then set your dial in secret for which market you’re going to and then reveal. Then begins a timed phase of buying and bartering before you return to your restaurant for the cook phase. Cooking can earn you influence (victory points) but can also create trash. Your influence deducts any trash you gave when you cook. At various levels of influence you get bonuses and when one player hits 20, game ends.

The Result

Danny won both rounds. Although we tied in victory points in round 2 the tie break came to total completed and he had me there.

Exciting News: Flaming Meeple podcast

To cap off our night tonight, after spending way too much time fighting technology and cords, we recorded the first ever episode of the Flaming Meeple Podcast! That’s right all you reading, you can now listen to us rather than read. Stay tuned as we will be posting it here and then getting it on the top listening platforms. Watch for this blog to transition to the website and the website to be built out, podcast to publish, and join us on this multi-media journey!

Challenges Update

New to us games: 7
Total plays: 19

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