1/22: Weekly Game night

To be honest, we had a rough night tonight. Everyone has those sometimes, right?

We started out with some commander for Magic the Gathering (yes, you’ll see that creeping in more and more). Danny wiped our tails with some broken combo allowing infinite tokens created in a turn. I’m sure the boys could explain it better. Be sure to let us know in the comments if you want more Magic specifics in the blog posts.

The King is Dead: Second Edition

Next up we hit a “new to us” game; the King is Dead. We will add a blog post just on this game but the short review. This is sort of a betting and yet area control game. You’re taking actions to adjust who has control of the regions along the factions of the game, but players aren’t the faction. You collect a cube for every action you play and the idea essentially is to be sure you have the most cubes of the faction that controls the most territories at the end of the game. So essentially you’re betting on which faction to take cubes from while also using those same cubes to control the territory. Addie won both rounds of the game. One lesson learned, be the last to still have cards to play, it pays off.

Ticket to Ride: New York

Next up, we hit some Ticket to Ride: New York. And yes, Danny finally won. Apparently he just needs 3 player games. As a 3 player game, you’re definitely more likely to be battling foe a section of route or needing the same color cards which is a nice dynamic vs just rushing to get it done. We all fell victim to incomplete tickets and fully blocked routes. As I mentioned, both rounds of this had Danny in first, me in second, and Chris in 3rd.

This gets us up to 7 plays of this for our 10 by 10 challenge

Rough trials

Next up we tried to play a new game Dan had come in called Tobito. We do not feel we can give a review on this game as we didn’t even get one round played. The directions had some translation issues and while it says 2-4 players, it maybe should read 2 or 4 players as playing as a 3 player game brought up a lot of questions.

Another trial game that we did not give a fair shake to was That’s a Wrap. By this point we were tired and frustrated and we didn’t give it a fair run. Plus, we were asking questions that I felt indicated we weren’t really in the mindset to get the game right tonight. We will probably give this game a better try before we comment.

Challenge update:

New to us games: 8
Total plays: 27
10×10: both mint and Ticket to ride stand at 7.

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