About Us

Flaming Meeple Games

Flaming Meeple was originally Danny by himself (more on that story to come) but together with his wife, Addie, and best friend, Chris, this venture has flourished. Together we make up Flaming Meeple Games.

For 2021 this venture began because Danny tested positive for covid and the year got kicked off with 10 days of quarantine and a lot of time to think. From that, all of this chaos was born. Join us for the journey of Flaming Meeple.

Meet Danny

Danny is the original Flaming Meeple. The name began… well, there’s a long version to this story but the short story is that his car caught fire (and yes, there were Board Games in the car). We will stick with the short version for now.

Danny is a player of all games – board games, miniature war games, video games, Magic: the Gathering …all games. That will show throughout all that is Flaming Meeple.

Danny’s favorites and flops

Meet Addie

As the wife of the Flaming Meeple himself, I had no choice but delve into this world of board games kicking and screaming. To be honest, I was a willing participant, and I have enjoyed myself along the way. I would consider myself less of a gamer and more “along for the ride,” but I do enjoy the socialization and even have a couple of favorite games now. It isn’t a passion like it is for these boys; those belong to my 4 year-old twins, Mary and Eleanor, my craft business, Skirl Nest Creations, and yes, my husband. Don’t judge me!

Chris’s note: DO NOT let the sweet smile and demeanor fool you, she runs the show! If it were not for her organization and her annoyingly accurate use of logic, this website would only be an idea.

Addie’s Faves and Flops

Meet Chris/Frannie

Chris (also known around here as Frannie) is probably the best friend of Danny (and Addie), but to be fair there is a group of guys who are all pretty close friends. Chris has affectionately been known as the sister-wife. Chris tends to be over at least one night of each weekend for gaming and fun and who knows what. He is at least as much of a gamer as Danny.

Oh, and P.S. if you need a real estate agent in the metro-atlanta area, find Chris!

Favorite Games: Star Wars: Rebellion, Marvel Champions