2021 Challenges

As we have mentioned, 2021 began with quarantine in the Flaming Meeple house, which led to a lot of time to think and even some extra time for games while everyone was home from work. Although we missed our sister-wife (Chris), we decided to tackle a few challenges for the year and wanted to take a few minutes here to discuss those. You can always find more about our challenges in our blog as well!

10 x 10 Challenge

This challenge has been pretty popular in recent years. This is playing 10 games 10 times each over the course of the year. While this is 100 plays, it feels very manageable. Some people will predetermine which games count in their challenge, but since one of our goals this year is to encourage ourselves to try out some new games, we won’t decide ahead of time. We will be using the app BG Stats and it will help determine which games apply for this challenge

100 “new to us” games

Originally, we said this was going to be 100 unique games this year, but again one of our goals was to get through some of the games we own (or Chris does) that we have wanted to play and haven’t yet, so we are calling this “new to us.” It doesn’t have to be new to the market, it doesn’t have to be something we have purchased recently, but just something that we (collectively) haven’t played yet. A lot of these will make their way onto the blog and podcast as first glance opinions and reviews. We encourage you to join us on this journey to uncover what games we have left unplayed as we hope to find some new favorites

200+ Plays (total)

This is the most recent addition to our challenges for this year. As we have been tracking games and playing a good bit over the beginning part of this year, it dawned that our repeat plays really aren’t helping us in the main challenge but we still want those to be important too. We want to find some new favorites and we want to develop some good opinions and sometimes that requires more than one play. Insert, the 200+ plays challenge. This equates to about 4 games a week and feels like a doable manageable number. Although, to hit the other 2 challenges, we will pretty much have already hit this number thus the + because we may decide to up this challenge as the year goes on