Podcast Episode 2

Wow, this podcast episode was an adventure. We began with trying to introduce how the Flaming Meeple got its name and introduce the people, but well, that story got a little off track and dragged out, so we will aim to introduce you to the People behind the Flaming Meeple in the next episode. In the meantime, just stick with us and we hope you’re enjoying following our gaming adventures and chaos. 

We also talk in this episode about Mint Cooperative, The King is Dead, and Ticket to Ride: New York. All of which have already been discussed here on the blog, but hear our conversation around these games on the podcast. 

Mixed in are a few “dad jokes”and plenty of distraction. Touching on the Magic the Gathering Pre-release and you never know what else. 

In addition to the wide array of topics, the boys were adequately distracted by the wrestling event playing in the background (with no sound) and an interesting set up to get both microphones mounted since we didn’t have a table base one this week – because why do that? 

Stay tuned for more podcast episodes to come, more game reviews, more of all the nerdiness that is Flaming Meeple. I cannot wait to get this episode out to you all. 

If you haven’t already heard it, find it here.

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