
The Game 

This is a small format card game played with 18 cards. You deal the correlated number of cards for the amount of players. The starting hand is all you get and you have to be strategic about when to play what. Placing your cards to create a grid with a max size of by 6 icons. 

The goal is to complete the objective in the center of your last card (won’t be played unless no one accomplishes their goal) 

The Review

This was a fun game for something so quick and light. It would be something good to play in between games if large groups ever return but isn’t necessarily a favorite for any of us. 

The Result

We played 3 rounds of this. Francis won 2 and Danny won one. 

The Challenges 

100 new to us games – 12 (end of 2/19) 

200 plays – 46 (end of 2/19)

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