Creatures and Cupcakes

Creatures and Cupcakes is another replay for us. We had played this late in 2020. We actually pulled it out because the kids were still awake and we thought they might be able to assist. They definitely couldn’t have played on their own yet, but we did allow them to be a part of the game by drawing the cupcakes and deciding when to stop. Begin teaching that strategy early, right? 

The Game 

So, Creatures and cupcakes is sort of a press your luck type of game. On your turn, you draw a plastic cupcake from the bag – they are colored pink, purple, blue, orange, or yellow. These cupcakes will feed your creatures on their various paths. Except for purple. Purple gives you a bonus card. After you draw the cupcake, you have to decide, do you draw again or stop. If you get two of the same colors in a row, then you don’t get any movement for that turn. So, you have to decide to take the movement earned so far or press your luck and hope you get a different color on the next draw. If you opt to stop drawing, you take the movement 1 spot for each cupcake of that color on the coordinating track.  If you overfeed by drawing two of the same in a row, you take an elixir and get no movement. However, you can use that elixir to avoid an overfeed the next time. 

The Review: 

Chris does not enjoy this game at all and he has been clear about it. Check out episode 5 of the podcast to hear it. I think to be honest, it is just too simplified for our group. It was fun to watch the kids try and figure it out and I think would be good for kids to play. The reading necessary would only be in the bonus cards so they could likely pick it up with some basic reading, but for our group, it is a bit too simplified for us. But, as with all games, there is someone out there who would enjoy it even if it isn’t for us. I, personally, don’t hate the game, but it just isn’t the type of game we gravitate towards for our play group.

The Result: 

The game ends when one player has 2 creatures reach the middle and in the most recent play, that was Addie (with the help of a kiddo to begin the game). 

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