Challenge Update – 3/24

Since we had gotten backlogged on posts and playing a bit of catch-up and some of the games were published out of order and an assortment of other challenges, you may have noticed we dropped the challenges off of the bottom of the individual game posts. So, we thought, here we are at almost the end of March so it is as good a time as any to do a quick update almost a quarter of the way through the year as to where we are on our game challenges!

100 New to us Games – 16

This challenge has been the hardest for us to keep up with. we’d hope to be at 25 to be on track for the year, but alas, we are only at 16. We have spent a few weeks replaying some favorites or getting multiple plays in of some games, which we enjoy and it helps us in the next challenge, but it has been a detriment for this challenge. We have some catching up to do on this one.

200 Total Plays – 56

To be on track for the year, we would hope to be around 50 games (yes, we are doing this a few days shy of the end of the month, so give us a little slack), and we are meeting that goal. We are at 56 total plays for the year so we are feeling pretty good about this challenge. If we can keep this up, we expect to see this one in the bag. Keeping in mind to that at least until this point, we have not been counting any rounds of collectable card games like 7th Sea the other night or frequently Magic the Gathering. So, we feel like we are on good pace for this challenge.

10 x 10 Challenge

I feel like this is a hard challenge to judge progress as we did not define our 10 games ahead of time. We figured we might find a new game that we love and want to incorporate. Here are statuses on a few of the games.

  • Canvas – 6 plays
  • Flourish – 3 plays
  • Ukiyo – 3 plays
  • Zingo – 8 plays
  • The King is Dead – 4 plays
  • Ticket to Ride: NY – 7 plays
  • Mint cooperative – 7 plays
  • Fleet – 4 plays

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