Ticket to Ride: New York

We hit the ground running with our challenge and began New Years Day with Ticket to Ride New York. We like the New York map for a 2 player game better than the full map versions of this game.

The Game:

I feel like most people are familiar with the Ticket to Ride franchise of games. You draw colored cards and play those cards to place your trains on a map to complete route tickets that you have drawn as well. A little strategy goes a long way. You want to fill all of your routes, only claim routes you can complete, and yet still block your opponent(s) from their success too. Longer paths are worth more points, but routes also have point values and not completing routes turns in to lost points in final scoring.

The Review:

Specific to New York, as I mentioned, we like it for a 2 player game. The map is a bit more concise so you are for sure going to encounter another player and be trying to get the same board segment. We found playing the full US board with only 2 people, you could almost always get a workaround. In our first playthrough, Dan had completely locked every path from Times Square. Leaving me with a card I could not complete. However, he still ended up with a score of 10 to my 45. His route ticket score was -4. Goes to remind the importance of finishing those tickets. The second round was more competitive at 30 to 44. Another point on New York map, it moves more quickly.

Overall, Ticket to Ride is not one of Danny’s favorites, and never has been, but I thoroughly enjoy the game. Heads up: it is also available on mobile devices to play against a computer and I play it there too!

The Result:

Game 1: Addie 45 – Danny 10
Game 2: Addie 44 – Danny 30

The Challenges:

Technically, this game does not count in our 100 new games challenge, but these 2 play will count in our overall game count challenge.

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