Unicorn Fever

The Game

Unicorn Fever is a betting game, where you are betting on unicorns that are racing to the finish line. “Your” unicorn is chosen at random and you do get some bonus if “yours” wins, but you can bet on any unicorn and typically, it is good strategy to not always bet on your unicorn. The unicorns get different movements depending on their odds of wining, which are displayed on the top left of the board and movement cards are flipped to align.

During your action turn, you can place a bet, buy some strategic partnerships, play some magic cards that can be good or bad for various unicorns, and take first player role from someone else. I may be missing an action, but that’s the idea at least. Then you play all those during that phase and then it becomes race time and you see which unicorn wins. Flip a card, move unicorns, roll dice for the bonus movement of up to 2 unicorns, repeat until someone crosses the finish line, move them over to rank accordingly, payout the bets, and reset for the next race.

The Review

This was our first time playing this game and our first thought seemed to be similar. There has to be a more simplistic way to accomplish this game. It wasn’t a bad game, we enjoyed the game overall, but it definitely seemed to be made more complicated than it needed to be for a racing and betting game. We would like to give this game another go with another player to see how that changes our opinion. For now, we will withhold our overall review, but the short answer is, it isn’t terrible, but there may be a more simplistic way to accomplish this game

The Result

Addie: 15, Danny: 10

The Challenges:

100 “New to us” Games – This counts so the count is at 1
Total Plays: 3

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