
The Game

Fleet is a strategic card game whereby you purchase licenses, launch your fleet of shipping vessels, captain them, fish, and then process for additional income to use in the next round that repeats. The game continues until you run out of cards or can no longer fully fill an auction set for a round. By the way, this game was published in 2012 and we are just getting around to playing it in 2021.

The Review

Initially, for me, I wasn’t thrilled with this game for the idea of the theme in general – fishing is not really my thing. At first, it took some time to get going and get in to the game. One of the mechanics that I have a love/hate with right now is the multiple uses of the cards. One card serves as currency, a ship to launch, or a captain for a ship. It can only serve in one capacity, but one draw is important for all of this. What we found as we got playing was how important card draw becomes in the game. Without it, you’re pretty much paralyzed and you only get 1 card per round (without bonuses) but have to use it to do multiple things.

The Result:

Addie: 36 Danny: 24

The Challenge

100 “new to us” games: 5
Total Plays: 9

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