Canvas Mini-Expansion

We had previously reviewed Canvas, but we wanted to briefly touch on the expansion. All 3 of us felt that the expansion was lacking a bit. Based on several local game shops carrying it, the price for the mini expansion still seems to be around $19.99 and in our opinion just doesn’t add enough to the game to justify it. 

The expansion included 8 award cards, these are different from the objectives but still allow you a new way to earn some victory points. It also included 10 new art cards. These also added 2 new symbols, a straight ribbon symbol and a 2x symbol that would double the value immediately to the left or right (based on the arrow). So, content wise, that is all that is being added. 

We would have liked to see more objectives included as these are the most limited component and you use 4 each game and some contradict each other and/or don’t play well together. 

Overall, we still really enjoy the game. We just feel the expansion was lacking and don’t think you’re missing anything by not having it. 

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