
The Game: 

Flourish is a card-drafting building game. On each turn, you pass face down a card to the player to your left and right and play one card in your own garden. Each card has beautiful artwork and then can have some combination of attributes on the left side, round scoring on the top left, and game scoring on the bottom right. All players reveal their played card at the same time. Then take the cards passed to them and draws one more to return to a full hand. Then it repeats again.  

At the end of each 3 turns, round scoring occurs where you earn points based on the round scoring in the top left and the attributes on the left hand side of the card. After 4 rounds (12 cards in your garden) end of game scoring triggers. These are the symbols on the bottom right and attributes on your left hand side. 

The Review: 

This was a quick game. There is some strategy regarding which elements you opt to highlight in your garden. In the 2 player version, the focus is really about your own garden. As you add more players, paying attention to which card you pass to whom becomes important too. Overall, it is a quick game that’s fairly small form (especially if you remove the physical walls). It is easy for someone to pick up and easy enough to teach. So overall we didn’t dislike the game, but it isn’t something we feel that we would play frequently, in our opinion. 

The Result

Addie won the 2 player game and Danny won both of the 3 player rounds. 

The Challenges 

100 new to us games – 14 (end of 2/28) 
200 plays – 52 (end of 2/28)

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