Hello world!

Welcome to The Flaming Meeple. This podcast is just an idea that Danny (THE Flaming Meeple) had at one point in time and developed into a Youtube channel, but had to put on the shelf due to life. But in 2021, a spark happened that set this idea burning again, so we have knocked off the dust and brought it back in all of its glory. We also brought in Mrs. Meeple (Addie), for a bit of sanity to this madhouse.

What do we do? No clue. We do enjoy many types of tabletop games, so we will discuss them here, as well as our penchant for Kickstarter and anything else that catches our attention. From Magic to glitter; gadgets to utter nonsense, you will probably find it all here.

you have been warned!

P.S. We are updating the Blog with some past unpublished posts that were written prior to the decision to launch this site so be aware those are coming too!

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