Mint Cooperative – Update

So, I mentioned before that we had found some variation in the FAQ’s on Mint. So we decided to give it a quick try. The difference here was in how overall panic was applied. In this instance, we applied overall panic during trouble for symbols shown only on the cities that were impacted by that trouble card. Making it so only Mayhem cards were applied to all cities. This helped DRAMATICALLY and made the game far more enjoyable. Based on other images we are seeing online, it appears it was possible the rules stated “targeted cities” in some sets, but ours was missing that word “targeted” under the instructions for trouble.

With this set of rules, we were able to actually win a game with a valid shuffle and not all of the mayhem cards on top. In fact, we got down to only 2 cards left in the trouble deck before we found the third Mayhem card. It was definitely a more manageable set of rules and we felt this changed the game.

It still isn’t my favorite game and maybe the negative first few experiences are part of what is to blame but I feel now it is one I could stand to play some more of at least enough to finish off a 10 by 10 challenge since we have 6 plays in already and are more than half way there. At least now it doesn’t feel like a death wish every time we play it.

The Challenges

Total Plays – 17

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