
The Game 

Re-Chord is a guitar themed game that if we had to classify is maybe area control ish in nature. 

Each player has a secret randomly drawn genre (color) and song. They also begin with 3 chord cards. These have a chord on them represented by specific colors of picks. Your goal is to place picks to match that chord and then it scores. Ideally, you’d like to score chords that apply to your song, but the point values of chords are also important. 

Each turn you can draft a face up pick and take its action or take a pick from the bag blind and place it on the reverse side. Chords score instantly even if an opponent placed the needed pick. 

While focusing on that, you also have to pay attention to the frets because the first time each fret is full, it scores. This is where your color from your genre card comes into play as there can be major points for having multiple of your color in a fret. These are scored on paper but not applied to a player until the end of the game. 

At the end of the game, your score is points from genre plus points from chords plus points from songs. 

The Review

I actually liked this game more than I thought I would. The theming didn’t excite me much because I’m not a guitar person, but I enjoyed the strategy of the game. Danny was more frustrated by the game. It may have been the luck (or in his case unluck) of the cards, but he kept getting chords where he could not complete them for some reason or another. 

There is definitely a lot of elements to think about which makes for good strategy, but you also have to prioritize. It also seems to help to get going early as it is more difficult, the more picks are on the fretboard. 

The Result: 

Addie won the first round and Franny the second round. 

The Challenges: 

100 new to us games – 12 (end of 2/19) 

200 plays – 46 (end of 2/19)

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