Tiny Epic Mechs

The Game

Tiny Epic Mechs is a small box game and there is a series of them. For this you play as meeple who can hold 2 basic weapons of you upgrade to hold 4 total (2 basic and 2 advanced) and you can take over the mighty mech suit to hold 4 advanced weapons. Play occurs by you “programming” the 4 actions your meeple will take that round placing them covered with the orientation and order they will occur. You then take turns revealing one and following it’s programming. If 2 players end up on the same square, they battle. Oh, and you also place mines and turrets that can damage the opposing player.

The Review

The first thing I will say is read all the scoring instructions. I did not and my strategy was flawed because of it. Notice the scoring multipliers for mines and turrets and notice the space values.

The second thing that seemed to be a weakness in this game for us was that we were trying to engage in battle and we couldn’t seem to end up on the same square. Each time we would think we knew what the other was going to do and end up in a battle, neither of us did it and we ended up just moving around the board and not engaging in battle. So, the whole point was to battle and it didn’t happen. In the very first turn, we had one battle but as no one had purchased any weapons yet, it was very uneventful. After that even when we tried to engage, we just ended up wandering around the board avoiding each other because we predicted what the other would do incorrectly. Made for a very anti-climactic game

The Result

Danny: 70 Addie: 60

The Challenges

New to us games challenge: 3
Total Plays Challenge: 5

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